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83308515 Grammar Spectrum 3 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. MOSAIC 4-PHOTOCOPIABLE.pdf. Uploaded by. Uploaded by. Juan Estevez Lopez. Oxford spectrum 3 revision unit 6. Uploaded by. Arbutus unedo. Ejercicios de Inglés 2º ESO_Spectrum. Uploaded by. crg33. Grammar Spectrum 1 - Elementary Spectrum 2 Oxford Photocopiable Pdf.Pdf - Manual de libro ... Puede descargar versiones en PDF de la guía, los manuales de usuario y libros electrónicos sobre spectrum 2 oxford photocopiable pdf, también se puede encontrar y descargar de forma gratuita un manual en línea gratis (avisos) con principiante e intermedio, Descargas de documentación, Puede descargar archivos PDF (o DOC y PPT) acerca Grammar Spectrum 3, Intermediate With Key Author _ Norman Coe Grammar Spectrum 3, Intermediate With Key Author _ Norman Coe - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest … Grammar Starter unit - colegiosanjosehijascaridad.es 3 expensive 5 interesting from the summary. Down 1 dangerous 3 rare 4 noisy 2 Correct the bold words with the opposite adjective. Elephants are light. heavy 1 Computers are useless machines._____ 2 Pigs are dirty animals._____ 3 Fruit and vegetables are unhealthy food. _____ 4 Australia is near from Spain._____

Unit 5 test SPECTRUM 1 Reading 9 Read the texts. Choose the correct description. (3 marks) A They’re about hobbies. B They’re about different cities. C They’re about sports. An artist David Gilbert is 15 and he lives in New York. David’s favourite sport is basketball but he also loves art. David makes very unusual art. He makes Contents 3 There’s a yellow . It jump. 4 There’s a brown . It run. 5 There’s a grey . It dance. 6 There’s a green . It rollerblade. 4 6 3 1 2 5 l u b b i d e m f o s n a k e b o o n i h d e f a i x f r o g m c t p e e a d m o u s e d s h e d g e h o g 2 m s 4 f r g 6 h d g h g 1 f o x 3 s n k 5 b t ENGLISH DEPARTMENT: 1º BACHILLERATO unit 5. 3 stars. revisiÓn examen de 1ª evaluaciÓn estas son las fichas para repasar los contenidos gramaticales y de vocabulario del primer trimestre. ya sabÉis que si tenÉis dudas me podÉis escribir a: tutorajafp@gmail.com. soluciones. starter 1. starter 2. unit 1. grammar 1. unit 1. grammar 2. unit 1. vocabulary 1. unit 1. vocabulary 2 www.institutomiraflores.es

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Unit 5 test SPECTRUM 1 Reading 9 Read the texts. Choose the correct description. (3 marks) A They’re about hobbies. B They’re about different cities. C They’re about sports. An artist David Gilbert is 15 and he lives in New York. David’s favourite sport is basketball but he also loves art. David makes very unusual art. He makes

Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. Pliki do pobrania | Oxford University Press Get English language teaching and learning resources for teaching English to young learners, teenagers, and adults. END-OF-YEAR GRAMMAR EXAM - edu.xunta.gal 1 B. PAST SIMPLE vs. PAST CONTINUOUS David is always having accidents. His girlfriend Melanie is talking about some of the accidents. Dossier de recuperació d’anglès 4 ESO IES Vicenç Plantada